Monday, October 14, 2013

Are you Knocking your own Success

The day I started to understand things consciously I have been listening to ‘There is no key to success’. I thought let’s explore this more and find out key to success. I kept on exploring the Success Mantra, and still travelling on the same path and have found some key ingredients that Success needs. This article talks about one of these keys which can open the locked door of success for you. It is not a hardcore rule or guidelines and you can choose to use this key because you want the open the door to success.

While you are reading these lines think of dress you wore yesterday. Now recall the color of the dress. Where do you see the picture, point it with your hand. That’s right. You know what it is the meaning of being success to you, don’t you? Remember the time when you were really appreciated for something you did really good. Yeah, go back a little and you can see yourself performing the act of success. Bring this picture to overlap with earlier picture of your dress, if it is not already overlapped. Can you bring this picture a little closer to you and make it a life size. Make it a real big life size image. You can do it, that’s right. Step into this person performing the act of success now and you can choose to close your eyes now or in next few seconds and live the same moment of performing the act of success. Yes that’s right you have been good in doing this act and you have seen yourself being successful in the past and you have relived the same moments again just now also you can transform this into habit of success by repeating it again. 

Repeat the same act again or you can choose to relive another moment of success. This time do notice the sensations inside your body. Intensify these sensations. Observe the flow of emotions, yes your feelings are always floating inside your body. Increase the current so that these feelings can flow faster. Make an easy entry and exit and also no entry for other feelings for now. Relive this act of success again now and you can see what you are doing and what sounds you hear and you can feel your feelings floating and telling you your path to follow where you can find your key to success and unlock all your future doors.

Stop for a moment and think of a situation where you want to be successful. Go along this journey with the changed person now you are. See what you see, hear what you hear and relive the same feelings you hae lived few moments back. Enjoy your days with these feelings. 

Repeat this process daily after you wake up in the morning. Repeat it for a week and then repeat it for a month. Keep observing your feelings and keep intensifying them and keep living your moments of success and you will find that in a month you are successful at every thing you do. You will also notice that as your intuition for success will increase at an exponential rate. 



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